
Today I have been nominated for another award called the Blogger Recogization Award. This award has quite a few rules so without further a do; Here they are:


  • Provide a link to the original post on Edge of Tonight:
  • Write a post to show off your award!

-Give a brief story about how your blog got started

-Give a few words of advice to other bloggers

-Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

-Make sure to attach the picture of the award (Either hold down or right click on photo at bottom of page, save the photo and insert it into the post and provide source if you feel needed)

  • Nominate 15 other bloggers to give the award to (not including yourself or the person(s) who nominated you
  • Let the bloggers nominated know they have been nominated and provide a link to the award post.

My blog begins :

I have grown up a kid who loved reading more than playing in the grounds, when I was 11, I took to writing. And thereafter, it was impossible to stop me. I remember being dropped at the children’s park by mom every evening only to make my way to the park’s library where I used to sit and write poems and essays. But a fun fact is that no one from school, even my best friends from school knew that I could write until school got over. Every year I would write something for the school magazine but never did I submit it to the editors.
When school got over, I started writing on social networking and then a friend suggested me to make a blog on wordpress. And that’s how I started blogging, sad how I had 0 followers for the first month and now I have 50+.

My advice to other bloggers :

Write your heart out :

One thing about blogging is that the words should come right from the heart. Write about things that happen to you in your everyday life. Do not bother what others would think and how would they judge you, just be yourself and give words to your thoughts.

Use Images:

Visuals have a greater power of attraction and expression. Use related images and photographs to illustrate better. It will also attract readers.

Do not skip:

Try blogging everyday or every 2 days so that the connection between you and your readers isn’t lost. The people who enjoy reading you also look forward to your blogs so if you bunk on them, you’ll end up losing readers and followers.

Read other blogs :

As much as you like being read, you should read others too. Like and comment on other blogs and interact with other bloggers. There are awesome people all over this site so you’ll make great friends in the process and you’ll learn a lot.

I would like to thank @randomreads for nominating me.

I am nominating :

@NJ @humaq @sharmistha @creakingbones @karina susanto @callummclaughlin @gravity @infinite zip @ngobesing rumanus @bumbismom @yinglan @preacher01704 @amitavchowdhary @theamericanmale @richard ankers

Phew! That’s a lot of people! I apologize if you have already done or been nominated for this award. I don’t have much of a way of knowing that unless I’ve read your post or you nominated me. I can’t wait to hear your blog’s origin and what advice you have to offer.

Thanks for reading and Stay tuned for more posts to come today!

-Sakshi (Eloquent Paradise)

Best of luck,bloggers!



  1. Hey there, Sakshi! Congratulations once again on the nomination. 🙂 I hope you had fun with it. It’s always interesting to hear the stories of how other bloggers got started, and to hear the advice that they’ve learned in their time.

    Followers aren’t everything, but it looks like you’ve made a lot of progress since you started. 🙂 It’s definitely nice knowing that there are people reading what you write! Great advice. Write from the heart, make posts interesting with images, and interact with other bloggers. Must do’s for anyone wanting to succeed in the massive blogosphere!

    Best wishes,

    Edge of Night


      1. You did not nominate me, but that is ok. The rules associated with these nominations make me feel like I have to impose on other bloggers.
        Keep writing. You have real talent.


  2. Congratulations on your award. I admire your writing and thank you for considering me for nomination. However, I must decline your kind offer. I made a pact with myself sometime back that I wouldn’t get tangled up in the award system. I know you will understand.


  3. Congrats dear 🙂 You deserve this award 🙂 And thanks for nominating me for this award 🙂 I will soon be with my suggestions for the same 😉


      1. yes … whenever you click add on a new blog get blog page …on it there are various icon there is one icon for link …click on it.. it has two sections in it is link ..where you put url of the nominee and other is name ..the name you need to give to that url …ok


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