Are you listening?

It is okay to be vulnerable once in a while, to feel mentally and physically drained and too exhausted to push your self to the threshold. I think that is how the universe makes you sit down and spend some real time with yourself, to evaluate and log year some things that have been constantly ignored by your ego. I would like to believe that the time around us ceases every once in a while, it gives us enough time to make up for all the negative thoughts that we have fed ourself with, only that we never pay attention. Never.

11 thoughts on “Are you listening?

  1. What if someone has lost everything and work is the only thing left assist from hope …? Can he/she should still take a rest..?

    Can someone become vulnerable in a calculated manner and follow the trend of letting go??

    Does all breaks allows light ? Doesn’t it depend on the angle of the break?

    Nothing can be calculated in life except making plans because at the end of the day we will all strive to make ourselves believe that we are happy..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Life is all about balancing. When you work, you work but somedays, your body and your mind needs rest. You need to be unconventional, every once in a while to feel more alive. You work best when you have something to look forward to, a break or treat could be very good for recreation.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. True… very well said.. I completely agree with you. Thank you for providing the ray of hope which I was looking for ..

        I will try to have something I mind to which I can look up to.. I am in search of that since last 15 months..

        Thank you once again..
        Happy to be connected here in wp 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. 🙂 pls take care of yourself..
        There is a need of people like you in the society.. May God bless you anyways.
        And keep this smile.. !!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I don’t know whether I , being a big time loser can pray for your well-being.. you know.. there is no locus standi I have but I will pray for it.
        Just tc!!
        And keep smiling

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